





He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness.
He could not go on any longer.
He wanted to find peace.




Wake Me Up

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)

Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well, life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well, that's fine by me

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself, and I
Didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself, and I
Didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world
But I only have two hands
Hope I get the chance to travel the world
But I don't have any plans

Wish that I could stay forever this young
Not afraid to close my eyes
Life's a game made for everyone
And love is the prize

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself, and I
Didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself, and I
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know, didn't know, didn't know

Aviciiのデビューアルバム収録曲で、最大のヒット曲でもある「Wake Me Up」は、アメリカのシンガー、Aloe Blaccをボーカルに起用しています。若者向けの歌詞ですが、渋い歌声が格好良いです。





Waiting For Love

Avicii - Waiting For Love

Where there's a will, there's a way, kind of beautiful
And every night has its day, so magical
And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle
That can't be defeated

For every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
In every lost soul, the bones of a miracle
For every dreamer, a dream, we're unstoppable
With something to believe in

Monday left me broken
Tuesday, I was through with hoping
Wednesday, my empty arms were open
Thursday, waiting for love, waiting for love
Thank the stars it's Friday
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love to come around

We are one of a kind, irreplaceable
How did I get so blind and so cynical?
If there's love in this life, we're unstoppable
No, we can't be defeated

Monday left me broken
Tuesday, I was through with hoping
Wednesday, my empty arms were open
Thursday, waiting for love, waiting for love
Thank the stars it's Friday
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love to come around

2ndアルバムに収録された「Waiting For Love」は、イングランドSimon Aldredをボーカルに迎えています。Where there's a will, there's a way.という有名な英語のことわざから始まる一曲。




  • アーティスト: アヴィーチー,ニコラス・ファーロング,ガブリエル・ベンジャミン,ジョーダン・スーコフ,ジョン・フェルドマン,ティム・バーグリング,アッシュ・ポアヌーリ,サンドロ・カヴァッザ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ユニバーサル ミュージック
  • 発売日: 2015/10/02
  • メディア: CD
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

The Days

Avicii - The Days (Lyric Video)

Under the tree where the grass don't grow
We made a promise to never get old
You had a chance, and you took it on me
And I made a promise that I couldn't keep 

Heartache, heartbreak, all over town
But something flipped like a switch when you came around
And I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together 

These are the days we've been waiting for
On days like these, who could ask for more?
Keep them coming 'cause we're not done yet
These are the days we won't regret
These are the days we won't forget

These are the days we've been waiting for
Rattle the cage, and slam that door
And the world is calling us, but not just yet
These are the days we won't regret
These are the days we won't forget 

Out on the midnight, the wild ones howl
The last of the lost boys have thrown in the towel
We used to believe we were stars aligned
You made a wish, and I fell out of 

Time flew, cut through, all over town
You make me bleed when I look up, and you're not around
But I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together 

These are the days we've been waiting for
On days like these, who could ask for more?
Keep them coming 'cause we're not done yet
These are the days we won't regret
These are the days we won't forget 

These are the days we've been waiting for
Neither of us knows what's in store
You just roll your window down, and place your bets
These are the days we won't regret
These are the days we'll never forget 

And these are the days (these are the days)
And these are the days (these are the days)

イングランドRobbie Williamsが歌う「The Days」は、EP「The Days/Nights」に収録されています。These are the days we won’t regretという力強い言葉が、気持ちを盛り上げてくれる一曲です。

Under the tree where the grass don't growと、出だしから日本人の苦手な”r”のオンパレードなので、しっかり練習すれば苦手克服できると思います。



  • アーティスト: アヴィーチー,ニコラス・ファーロング,ガブリエル・ベンジャミン,ジョーダン・スーコフ,ジョン・フェルドマン,ティム・バーグリング,アッシュ・ポアヌーリ,サンドロ・カヴァッザ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ユニバーサル ミュージック
  • 発売日: 2015/10/02
  • メディア: CD
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

The Nights

Avicii - The Nights

Once upon a younger year
When all our shadows disappeared
The animals inside came out to play
Went face to face with all our fears
Learned our lessons through the tears
Made memories we knew would never fade 

One day my father, he told me
"Son, don't let it slip away"
He took me in his arms, I heard him say
"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid"

He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember"
My father told me when I was just a child
"These are the nights that never die"
My father told me 

When thunder clouds start pouring down
Light a fire they can't put out
Carve your name into those shining stars
He said: "Go venture far beyond the shores
Don't forsake this life of yours
I'll guide you home, no matter where you are" 

One day my father, he told me
"Son, don't let it slip away"
When I was just a kid, I heard him say
"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid" 

He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember"
My father told me when I was just a child
"These are the nights that never die"
My father told me 

"These are the nights that never die"
My father told me
My father told me

EP「The Days/Nights」に収録された、上記の上記の「The Day」と対になった「The Night」。アメリカNicholas Furlongをボーカルに迎え、「悔いのない人生を生きろ」というメッセージが込められた力強い一曲です。




  • アーティスト: アヴィーチー,ニコラス・ファーロング,ガブリエル・ベンジャミン,ジョーダン・スーコフ,ジョン・フェルドマン,ティム・バーグリング,アッシュ・ポアヌーリ,サンドロ・カヴァッザ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ユニバーサル ミュージック
  • 発売日: 2015/10/02
  • メディア: CD
  • この商品を含むブログを見る


Avicii - SOS (Fan Memories Video) ft. Aloe

Can you hear me? S.O.S
Help me put my mind to rest
Two times clear again
I'm acting low
A pound of weed and a bag of blow 

I can feel your love pulling me up from the underground
I don't need my drugs
We could be more than just part-time lovers
I can feel your touch picking me up from the underground
I don't need my drugs
We could be more than just part-time lovers

We could be more than just part-time lovers
We could be more than just part-time lovers

I get robbed of all my sleep
As my thoughts begin to leave
I let go but I don't know how
Yeah I don't know how but I need to now

I can feel your love pulling me up from the underground
I don't need my drugs
We could be more than just part-time lovers
I can feel your touch picking me up from the underground
I don't need my drugs
We could be more than just part-time lovers 

I can feel your touch picking me up from the underground
I don't need my drugs
We could be more than just part-time lovers 

We could be more than just part-time lovers
We could be more than just part-time lovers 

Can you hear me? S.O.S
Help me put my mind to rest

Aviciiがこの世を去って1年後の2019年春にリリースされたシングル曲「SOS」は、「Wake Me Up」と同じアメリカのシンガー、Aloe Blaccを起用しています。生前、新作アルバムの制作をほとんど終えていたこともあり、遺作として、アルバム『TIM』も発売されました。完璧主義だった彼の曲を、別の人が仕上げてリリースすることには、ファンからの強い反発もあったようです。




  • アーティスト: アヴィーチー,ヌーニー・バオ,ティム・バーグリング,カール・フォーク,ジョー・ジャニアク,ジョアキム・バーグ,マーティン・スベンソン,ジャスティン・ヴァーノン,サム・スミス
  • 出版社/メーカー: ユニバーサル ミュージック
  • 発売日: 2019/06/07
  • メディア: CD
  • この商品を含むブログを見る






Today's proverb

Every medal has two sides.:メダルには皆表と裏がある